1.1 Representations

  • Gender
  • Class
  • Religion


Baby Driver

Baby Driver only passed 1/3 of the test, we meet female characters and we know their name, but there isn't a situation where they interact with each other. Throughout the whole movie there was only one scene where the two female characters are in the location as each other but they don't say a word.Both of the females in the film are romantic interests in terms of how they add to the plot.


Bodyguard passes the test (3/3) throughout the series there is scenes where female characters interact with each other and talk about something else than another male character. In Bodyguard the women lead has more power than male. In Bodyguard we meet a lot of female characters, we meet the terrorist, the Home Secretary, ex-wife and a lot other ones,

The Apartment

The apartment passed the test (3/3) purely by accident. The film is all about misogynistic men and objectified women, but the women are depicted as having agency and power. The moment it passes the Bechdel test is when Miss Kubelik is in bed after her attempted suicide and the next door neighbour is talking to her about the food, there is no other time in the movie that two women talk to each other about something else than men.


Baby Driver

In Baby Driver the characters come from a lower class background as you can tell from their acting and surrounding. They might come from a lower class background but they have a lot of money due to all the robberies they have done. Their status doesn't mean anything in the movie as they all are the same level and they don't really pay too much attention to each other about these kind of things.


In Bodyguard you have a mixture of upper class and middle class. You have the Home Secretary and all the other members from the government or politics. Then you have the middle class which are the police officers, Security guards and family members of these people. The background and their status doesn't interfere with anything they do, everyone gets treated how they are supposed to be treated and are treated more on what their job is than what their status is. Frequently in the series with have a combinations of classes together in one scene.

The Apartment

In the apartment class is a really important thing between all characters. All character from upper class take advantage of Baxter and use his apartment and he allows all this to happen as he thinks that will make him get a promotion and become the same as other.


The Apartment

During The Apartment there isn't any reference to religion but we can assume they are christian as they are celebrating a christian holiday (Christmas). That is the only hint of religion we have throughout the movie, there is no conversation or anything else. We can also gather that the neighbour of Baxter is Jewish as he is a doctor.

Bodyguard & Baby Driver

Throughout Bodyguard and Baby driver there is no mention of religion. It is hard to tell if any of the characters are religious but from the fact there are no mentions or referrals to religion we can think they are all non religious. It is also hard to say why there is no links to religion in the movies and the series.

Voice Over:





  1. Well done Jakub. This is a really good overview of representation in your key texts.


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